PvE Mode lets you battle against a bot to earn $GUM. The bot has different levels, and as the level goes up, the challenge increases with tougher and more numerous opponent caps. Higher levels also mean bigger rewards at the end of the game.

Cap Stats


Both your caps and the bot’s caps have two main stats:

  1. Health: Every cap starts with 100 health points. Each hit reduces the cap’s health.
  2. Power: Determined by the cap’s grade, higher-grade caps hit harder.

Game Mechanics

  1. Pick a level and choose caps from your collection to start the battle.
  2. You go first! Choose one of your caps and an opponent’s cap to attack. Each hit reduces the opponent's cap health.
  3. After all your caps have attacked, it’s the bot’s turn to strike back.
  4. The game ends when all caps from one side (either yours or the bot’s) are down to 0 health. Based on the results, you’ll earn a certain amount of $GUM!

Even if all your caps lose their health during a level, it doesn’t affect your collection. Losing caps remain in your collection, ready for the next battle.

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