The mechanics of the game tie back to the caps' grade and power, visit this page to learn more ‘Caps’ Grade and Power’. Now, let’s get into battle mechanics!

1:1 Battle

If you bet one cap against another player's cap, it's pretty straightforward! The cap with more power wins, and the winner takes both caps.

Even Bets Battle

If you put down a different number of caps, but it's the same as your opponent's count (like 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6), your caps and your opponent's caps are randomly paired up and go head-to-head. In each randomly chosen pair, the cap with the higher power wins over the one with less power. For example:

Mixed Bets Battle

If you don't put down the same number of caps as your opponent, one cap might end up battling multiple ones. For example:

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